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Cats + Medical Conditions

  • Blue-green algae, also called cyanobacteria, are found in fresh and brackish water of ponds and lakes. These microscopic bacteria can also grow in backyard fountains, garden pots, bird baths, and anywhere water is stagnant. Regardless of where they are found, cyanobacteria can be dangerous.

  • Cyanosis is a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes of the body caused by inadequate oxygen levels. Cyanosis is an emergency, and the root cause may be life-threatening and may or may not be reversible. Once back home, homecare instructions must be followed carefully.

  • Cystitis is a general term referring to inflammation in the urinary bladder. The term cystitis does not imply a specific underlying cause.

  • Cysts are hollow spaces within tissues that contain either a liquid or a solidified material. Some breeds have a tendency to develop certain types of cysts. Accurate diagnosis relies upon microscopic examination of a piece of tissue. The most common treatment for cysts is surgical removal. It is important to prevent your pet from rubbing, scratching, or otherwise bothering the cysts or the surgical site.

  • Degenerative joint disease is arthritis caused by deterioration and degeneration of tissues lining joints. It is an under-recognized condition in cats. Treatment involves modification of the home environment, regular gentle exercise, anti-inflammatory drugs and other medications, omega fatty acids, chondroprotectants, and possibly other nutraceuticals. Maintaining your cat’s weight can help prevent degenerative joint disease.

  • Diabetes insipidus is rare in cats and is characterized by excessive drinking and the production of enormous volumes of extremely dilute urine. Despite drinking large volumes of water, the cat can become dehydrated from urinating so much. Increased drinking and urination are common signs of several other health conditions, so it is essential that several diagnostic tests be performed to diagnose diabetes insipidus. While the condition is rarely curable, it is usually successfully controlled.

  • Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the pancreas. This small organ located near the stomach has two different types of cells that have very different functions. One group of cells produces the enzymes necessary for proper digestion.

  • Diabetes mellitus results from an inadequate production of insulin from the pancreas. The primary treatment is replacement by insulin injections. The body's response to the injections needs to be regularly monitored using an at-home glucometer or continuous glucose monitoring system. Insulin must be stored and reconstituted carefully to ensure dosing is accurate. Giving subcutaneous injections of insulin can seem daunting at first, but by following the directions in this handout, it will quickly become second nature to both you and your pet.

  • New medications can help regulate blood glucose levels in cats, including once-daily oral medications bexagliflozin (Bexacat) and velagliflozin (Senvelgo). Cats in the initial stages of DM may benefit most from oral diabetes treatments. This article discusses how these medications work, potential risks, and monitoring required.

  • Diabetes mellitus is an inability to regulate blood glucose caused by a loss of insulin production (Type I) or inadequate insulin supply or resistance (Type II). In cats, diabetes mellitus is most often type II. This type of diabetes usually results from obesity, creating insulin resistance. Cats with type II may be treated with oral medication, but some cats may ultimately require insulin injections. Diet is also important. This article discusses various treatments and monitoring regimens.