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Educational Articles

Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Few events are more frightening for a pet parent than a surgery. Although surgery may sometimes be unavoidable, fortunately our understanding of pet pain—how it occurs, how it affects all body systems, how to prevent it, and how to treat it—has improved dramatically over the past 5 to 10 years. That said, cats are not “small dogs,” and they present their own pain management issues and challenges.

  • Each surgical patient is unique, so pain management strategies are fine-tuned to meet the needs of the individual cat before, during, and after surgery. Your veterinarian will begin managing your cat's pain before the procedure starts by giving preemptive pain medication. During surgery, strategies such as local freezing, continuous rate infusions, and anesthetic blocks may be used. After surgery, pain relief continues, with at-home medication and possibly physical medicine modalities.

  • Following certain steps and offering rewards and praise instead of reprimands will put a positive spin on a dreaded task. This will help make nail trimming a more pleasant experience for both you and your dog. If all else fails, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian for further help.

  • Normal body temperature for dogs and cats is 101 to 102.5°F (38.3 to 39.2°C). Pets with temperatures above 104°F (40.0°C) or falls below 99°F (37.2°C) need immediate veterinary care. Temperature can be taken rectally or aurally. If taking your pet’s temperature is too difficult, take your pet to your veterinarian. If your pet’s temperature remains high or low, take him to your veterinarian.

  • There are many methods and opinions described by various people to tame and train birds. This handout is designed to give some guidance to you during this process. Your patience may be strained, and you may sustain some bites, but the rewards of your new relationship with your bird will be fulfilling and long-lasting.

  • Tapeworms are parasites that infect the gastrointestinal tract of dogs, other animals, and humans. Several types of tapeworms are known to infect pets, but the most common species observed in dogs is Dipylidium caninum, which is transmitted through fleas. Risk factors, clinical signs, treatment, and prevention are explained in this handout. Other, less common types of tapeworms that affect dogs and humans are also covered.

  • Plaque is a gummy substance that forms on the teeth within a few hours after a meal. Within 24 hours, plaque begins to harden by combining with salts that are present in the saliva. As the plaque continues to accumulate and mineralize, it eventually transforms into tartar.

  • Deafness does not affect a cat's learning abilities, but it does impact what kinds of cues they can learn. The keys to success are choosing a set of consistent signs and signals and learning what the cat finds rewarding. Deaf cats need special supervision such as leashing or a catio if allowed outdoors, and may startle more easily than cats that can hear, but otherwise can be trained with all the same methods used for a cat with normal hearing.

  • Deafness does not affect a dog's learning abilities, but it does impact what kinds of cues they can learn. Two keys to success are choosing a set of consistent signals and learning what the dog finds rewarding. Deaf dogs need special supervision such as leashing and safe fencing and may startle more easily than dogs that can hear, but otherwise can be trained with all the same methods used for a dog with normal hearing.

  • Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is used as a non-stick coating on cookware. Teflon is the most well-known brand name of PTFE-based coatings. When PTFE is heated to high temperatures, it releases toxic particles and acidic gases that are toxic when inhaled. Birds are particularly sensitive to inhaled toxins or poisons and can be poisoned by PTFE even if they are not in the same room. Sadly, sudden death may be the only sign of PTFE poisoning.