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Educational Articles

Small Mammals + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • All pet rodents must be fed a good, high quality rodent chow available at pet stores. Many veterinarians also recommend offering hay and fresh vegetables to rodents to encourage chewing and the wearing down of their continuously growing teeth. Diets containing seeds and nuts are not recommended, as they are high in fat and low in nutrition. You can also feed your rodent fresh, well-cleaned vegetables daily and occasionally give a bit of fruit. Guinea pigs should be fed a commercial high-fiber guinea pig pellet with added vitamin C.

  • Due to their well-deserved reputation as escape artists, ferrets should be housed in a cage that can be securely closed and/or locked. They also need a safe, "ferret-proofed" play area or room where they can explore and investigate while supervised.

  • There are several common diseases or conditions that may affect the pet ferret. Like dogs, ferrets may get heartworms, distemper virus, heat stroke and a variety of cancerous conditions. Yearly veterinary health examinations are recommended to assess the presence or absence of any of the diseases listed above.

  • Guinea pigs can be hardy and easy to care for when provided an appropriate environment for their unique needs. Like all animals, guinea pigs are susceptible to certain problems and diseases. This handout outlines the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for some of the more common health problems of guinea pigs.

  • Rodents commonly develop certain health problems, including rabies (unlikely in pet rodents housed inside), hair barbering, foot necrosis, vitamin C deficiency, heat stroke, antibiotic toxicity, chromodacryorrhea, diarrhea, bone fractures, bacterial skin infections (dermatitis), and seizures.

  • A pet hedgehog’s diet should mainly consist of high-quality hedgehog food mixed with high-quality, low-fat cat food. The diet may be supplemented with certain insects, fruits, and vegetables, which are listed in this handout. Foods that should be avoided are also listed. Hedgehogs have a propensity for obesity if their food intake is not monitored or controlled.

  • Hedgehogs are active animals and require lots of room to move around and exercise. They are also very good climbers, so it is important to choose an enclosure that your hedgehog cannot escape from. Other factors include temperature control, a respite from bright light, and appropriate bedding and toys that are safe for this unique pet.

  • Hedgehogs can make interesting, somewhat challenging, yet fun and enjoyable pets. They are nocturnal mammals whose entire backs are blanketed with spines like a porcupine. They like to stay active and are skilled at climbing, digging, and even swimming. As with any pet, hedgehogs require a high-quality diet and routine veterinary care.

  • Hedgehogs can have several unique problems, including cancer, dental disease, obesity, and foreign bodies. It is important for an owner to understand what these problems are so veterinary care can be provided to their hedgehog when needed and in a timely manner.

  • Any cage used to house a pet rodent must be easy to clean, as poor husbandry and hygiene can contribute to illness in these animals. The bigger the cage, the better, as rodents need room to exercise and explore. While some species of rodents may be housed in pairs or groups, intact (unneutered) males and females should not be housed together, or they will breed. Different species should not be housed together. Rodents should be provided with paper bedding or shredded or recycled paper in their cages. Cleaning, enrichment, and exercise recommendations are also discussed.