Our Mississauga Veterinarians and Team say… It’s time to check in on everyone’s health–even yours! Schedule your pet’s yearly checkup today to find out how your pet’s health affects…
With the holidays approaching, pet owners should take precautions so that the holiday festivities are happy and healthy for the four-legged family members, as well as the humans who love…
Many of us enjoy the fun of Halloween, but our pets can truly be frightened by all the noises and costumes. Halloween is unfortunately a holiday with many dangers for…
Our Mississauga Veterinarians and Team Help Explain the Common Myths on Ingredients in Your Pet’s Foods! Ever wonder about the truth behind all of these misunderstood extra ingredients that have…
Our Mississauga veterinarians and team explain the dangers of summer heat for your pet. As many dog owners know…leave your furry four-legged family members at home when you go out…
This article came to us from the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association… CAUTION ~ JERKY TREATS Illnesses and death in dogs and cats that may be connected to the consumption of…
Attention Lakeview Animal Hospital Clients: Please note that we are open for regular business hours during the construction/renovations to the Applewood Plaza. We apologize for any inconvenience and very much…
We just wanted to wish Robyn our Head Technician a Happy Birthday. She celebrated her birthday on September 15. The clinic even went out and bought her favourite cake…a DQ…
Everyone here at Lakeview Animal Hospital sends out a BIG “Thank You” to everyone who was able to attend our client appreciation day! Thank You For Your Continuing Support During…

***Happy 20th Anniversary Lakeview*** on August 20, 2013 Lakeview will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary. We would like to “Thank” everyone who has been a part of our family by…