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May 03 2013

Help Mississauga Vet Bring Hot Car Awareness

The warmer weather is here and everyone is excited about it; unfortunately this means that a car ride for a pet can become a deadly situation.  Temperatures in a car rise quickly which can make the car feel like an oven for our four-legged family.  NEVER leave a pet alone in a vehicle, even in the shade. Pets left in cars, other unventilated areas or tied in the sun are susceptible to heat stroke.

Hot Car Safety

– 21°(70) degrees is too hot to leave your pet in the car –
Temp Outside vs Temp Inside Car
24°(75) – 47°(118)
25°(77) – 50°(123)
27°(81) – 59°(138)
32°(90) – 62°(143)
34°(94) – 63°(145)

If you find an animal trapped in a parked car…call 911 immediately

Keep your pet in a shady, well-ventilated place with fresh water in an unspillable container.  Better yet…let your pet stay indoors and enjoy the cool comfort of your air conditioned home or your cool basement.

*If an animal is suffering from heatstroke (i.e. excessive panting, drooling, listless and sometimes unconscious) wet the fur immediately with lukewarm to cool water (not cold water). Brain damage can occur rapidly and time is of the essence. If a hose is handy…use it. Bring the pet into the shade and offer drinking water. Take the animal to the your local veterinarian ASAP!*

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